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KickAss Shower Tent Set Up & Review

Updated: May 26, 2022

This just has to been the easiest shower tent setup ever!! Once you’ve decided whereabouts you are installing your shower tent its just a matter of putting up a couple of brackets and away you go.

After years of having a pop up shower tent we can’t believe how much easier the KickAss tent is. In fairness the pop up ones are really easy to put up but we can never remember how to fold it back down, sometimes spending over 30mins wrestling with it (Gary on many occasions throwing the thing up the beach LOL).

With the KickAss Shower Tent you just unzip, roll out then fold out the two arms…..that simpLe. You don’t even have to peg it down…how awesome is that!

Why have we got one when we have a caravan with toilet and shower ?? We want to set up our vehicle so we can camp away from the caravan. This way it means we can go anywhere, the caravan won’t hold us back from tackling some rough terrain. We will just leave the caravan in a campground, take the vehicle and swag it!.


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